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Article code 6.P.2
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Sambal Geprek from Nesia is a spicy Indonesian sambal. Very suitable to use for the preparation of Ayam Geprek. Read more
Article code 5.M.1
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Kapoer Sirih is often used in pastries and dishes such as pisang goreng and klepon. With kapur sirih the structure changes and the acidity is lowered. Read more
Article code 5.O.1
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You can use this Sambal Bajak from Nesia while cooking to give your dishes extra flavor. This is also a tasty sambal for next to your dish on the plate. Read more
Article code 5.P.5
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Tasty spicy sambal with authentic Indonesian taste. Read more
Article code 5.R.5
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Nesia Kemiri Nuts, 1kg, for a rich, nutty flavour in your dishes. Ideal for sauces, curries and stews. Packed for long-term use. Read more
Article code 5.U.5
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Palm sugar. Read more
Article code 6.R.1
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Sambal Pemuda mild is a mildly spicy sambal prepared according to an authentic Indonesian recipe. Delicious as a side dish or flavor in your dishes. Read more
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Bumbu Soto Ayam - Chicken Soto Soup Spices. Read more
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Prawn crackers made from 100% natural ingredients without added preservatives and artificial colors/flavors. Read more
Article code 5.R.4
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Seroendeng is a spice mixture made from coconut, peanuts, palm sugar and various spices from Indonesia. Read more
Article code 5.S.4
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Selasih seeds come from the Thai basil plant. These are often used in drinks (e.g. Nam Manglak) and desserts, but also as a thickener. The soaked seeds have a neutral taste. Read more
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A spicy Indonesian chili paste with an intense flavor. Read more
Article code 5.T.4
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This sambal is made from green rawit peppers and green tomatoes. It comes from the city in Indonesia called Padang. Read more
Article code 5.T.3
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Kemiri nuts come from the Aleurites Moluccana tree and grow mainly in the Eastern area of Indonesia Read more