For more than half a century we have been offering you the opportunity to put the most beautiful Indonesian dishes on the table as simply as possible. Because when our founder Rachel Flem-Sassoon compiled the first King's bird spice mixes in her kitchen in The Hague in the fifties of the last century, she had only one goal: Everyone is entitled to a tasty and authentic Indionesian meal and should have the opportunity have to prepare them easily.
Indonesian cuisine is widely loved. And not for nothing, because with its enormous variety of dishes and accompanying flavors, there is something for everyone and there is a lot to discover. We would like to enjoy every day a delicious homemade Indonesian meal, but lack of time requires us to quick solutions where there are often concessions to the taste. In addition to lack of time, many see the search for the right herbs that are necessary for preparing an Indian meal, as a major obstacle. Let alone the application of those herbs in the right proportions.

Perfect to use as a condiment in your favorite dish or simply as a dipsauce to spice things up a bit. Read more

Perfect to use as a condiment in your favorite dish or simply as a dipsauce to spice things up a bit. Read more

Perfect to use as a condiment in your favorite dish or simply as a dipsauce to spice things up a bit. Read more